Here are all those things that were there and will never come again:
2017, Marghiloman Art Centre – Buzau with a video installation
2015, March-April: PP – The Scar | Der WUNDE: Alert Studio of Bucharest. Personal Exhibition in three Acts
2015, March: “The Film at the End of the World” video effects for Gheorghe Preda’s new film
2014, April: Participation at group exhibition Fear of the End, with an instalation with ceramics, lead and poetry, HMSST – Textual ACT-iculations
2014, January-February: HORIZ|MAG|STORM|SHIFT|TRANS – Personal Exhibition time at Galateea, Bucharest. 7 events during a month of art action.
2014, August – “The Forest” – Visual effects for a feature sized Romanian-Serbian Documentary, directed and written by Sinisa Dragin
2013 – “Desfricare/Deanxiation/” Personal Exhibition, on a private location, exclusive audience, Ferdinand 12A 29-01-2013
2012 – Group exhibition Bucharest, Orizont Gallery, June 2012
2011, December – “Originali, Copiii” / “Children, Original”, Ceramic and painting exhibition, at Masca Theater, Bucharest
2011, June – “Lumea în ochii copiilor” / “The world in children eyes” Ceramic and painting exhibition, at MNLR (The National Literature Museum of Bucharest)
2010, June – “Văzul Eliberează” / “Vision Liberates”, Ceramic and painting exhibition, at MNLR (The National Literature Museum of Bucharest)
2010 – Visual effects for Sinişa Drăgin movie “Dacă Bobul nu Moare” 2010 produced by Abis Studio, Romania
2009 – Art Exhibition in the Oncology Pavilion, Elias Hospital, Bucharest
2009 – Visual effects for “The White Arap”, a 3D stereoscopic project film of Mediapro Romania
2008 – Visual effects for “Fire and Ice: The Dragon Chronicles” SciFi Channel TV movie
2001 – Visual effects for Sinisa Dragin movie “Everyday, God kisses us on the mouth” 2001
1996 – Biennale “Gheorghe Patrascu”, Targovişte – IIIrd Edition.