Ferdinand 12A, Bucharest
29.01.2013 some select crowd meeting for an evening of tea, ceramic sculpture and poetry. A secluded, enclave like, private space. But what is private on a world that falls apart?
The bearer of verb
The Form, protuberant, convex,
bears the unaproachable
Germinates it, cultivates it, protects it.
This container vessel, releases
it is not a neutral form,
it is the vessel of existence,
it is the wall of the cell where Monte Christo scribbles
to keep his minds.
It is the exterior inside, it is the bearer of the Verb.
when they speak of immortality, some get scared:
"in a jail [...] living forever."
Others get scared at the thought
that we may not have a chance in attaining
a thing so necessary to my inner ballance.
a silence of stone, of Fire, of water.
The predictibility of Form
form gives birth to fear, fear gives birth to fury
a danse that bears waters
under the bark ot the land
burned, cracked like a seed.
form hosts a presence,
being confessed, by form
impredictible, a space of growth
hiding a threat
a form innocent, a gesture
angry, from soul, thought through
after said
after done
Principles of ...
a possibility presents itself:
observing a principle
of inaccessibility
without memory of form, children forget the fear
concoct from signs approximations, images
syntheses and concepts free of thoughts,
of obsessions of elegances, of politenesses
the reasonings of the experienced
enclose feeling in complicated spheres
The Primordial Chaos,
disolved through the word that moves above the waters,
in order to create a realm called sky,
and a realm called land.
tried with the mind, it deepens
it seems impossibleto touch
Frica, la peur, fear - libertatea, freedom, liberte
the writings of the form, words flowing on surfaces
conceaiving forms, heatings, thawings
acts of living